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Sport Chek | The Joy of Baseball

Duration: 02:20Views: 888.6KLikes: 18Date Created: Jul, 2021

Channel: Sport Chek

Category: Sports

Tags: slowpitchrawlingssports checkunder armourhow to play softballsport chekhow to play slowpitchsoftballbiosteelbaseballskillzhow to play baseballsports cheksport check

Description: What makes these young athletes true team players on the diamond? They all play for the sheer love of the game. As their candid stories reveal, softball is more than just a sport to them. It’s their way of celebrating their friendships and connecting with their community to cheer, encourage and support one another. As their coach and parents agree, the joy of baseball gives kids an interactive experience, creates a sense of community and motivates them to become the best version of themselves. Shop Baseball: #Findwhatmovesyou​ Social Networks: instagram.com/sportchekfacebook.com/SportChekOff​... twitter.com/SportCheksnapchat.com/add/sport_chek

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